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What is Ai Doctor?

Ai Doctor functions as virtual medical assistant, who is always ready to consult you.
With other words, it can work with the patient’s data, symptoms, assist patient when it comes to proper diagnosis, offer you appropriate tests and evidence based treatment.

What does it serve? (Solving the problems)

Product of this sort is capable of challenging the number of different problems, especially during the Covid Pandemics, when hospitals are experiencing overload and getting services is almost impossible.

Ai Doctor encourages growth of medical care effectiveness, thanks to the work of doctors, nurses and assistants of doctors.

Ai Doctor is capable of providing with high quality medical information and diagnostic possibilities, with nominal spendings.

How does it work?

Patient gets on I Doctor online Platform, where one writes down the name, surname, phone number, will choose the doctor of an appropriate category(if one has information about which doctor they need, if not, system will automatically assign the doctor in accordance of their needs).

Unique system of I doctor automatically works with patient’s data, consults the specialists of the field and will provide you with the most appropriate advices, diagnostic possibilities, course of the treatment, with only the nominal spendings. (Depending on the condition of the patient and on how much it allows distant treatment)

What Ai Doctor can do?

ლოგიკური დიაგნოზის გენერაცია

Generating different logical diagnosis according to the symptoms

საჭირო დიაგნოსტიკური კვლევების განსაზღვრა

Discovering necessary diagnostic studies and providing with the nominal spendings

დიაგნოზის დასმის შესაძლებლობა

Possibility of diagnostic

ონლაინ კონსულტაცია დარგის სპეციალისტებთან

Online consultation with the specialist of the field

24/7 თქვენს სამსახურში

24/7 working for you

მუდმივად განახლებადი ინფორმაცია ტესტებსა და დაავადებებზე

Always refreshing information about the tests and diseases